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  4. Theme Shortcode
  5. Tabs


Use Tabs shortcode to add tabbed content on your post or pages.

To create a tab:

  1. Click Edit Tabs button (pencil icon in blue toolbar) to configure the tabs
  2. Select an alignment style
  3. Input the number of active section
  4. Check “Stretch Tabs” box to stretch the tabs
  5. Select a tag element for the tab title
  6. Set the title size in px
  7. Select title color
  8. Select a color for active title
  9. Select background color
  10. Select a color for active background
  11. Save changes

After creating the tab, now you can set up the display for each section with its content.
To configure the display:

  1. Click Edit Section button (pencil icon in orange toolbar) to set up the style of the section
  2. Enter the section title
  3. Check “Add Icon” box to add icon next to the section title
  4. Check “Active” box to show the section when the page loads
  5. Check “Full Size Content” box to display content in fullwidth (without padding)
  6. Select section background color
  7. Save changes

To set up the content of the section:

  1. Click icon “+” to input the content using available shortcodes into the section
  2. Choose a shortcode to use to input the content and configure it according to the shortcode setting
  3. Repeat the steps by clicking icon “+” first to add another section
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