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  3. Installing the Required Plugins

Installing the Required Plugins

You will get additional plugins that bring more sophistication for Upscale’s functionality. You need to follow this few steps to get all the amazing features that they have.

  1. Go to the required plugins page from your dashboard within Appearance > Install Plugins or click from the notice that will appear after you installed the theme

  1. In the new page, simply check the box next to plugin to select all the plugins you want to install, then select the bulk action of install from the dropdown box and then click the Apply button

  1. Wait for a minute or two until all the plugins are installed and click this link to go back to the Required Plugins page
  2. Now repeat the 2nd step, but this time, choose activate in the bulk action dropdown
  3. Finally WordPress will activate all the plugins and give you a notice that tells you everything’s done.

NOTE: WooCommerce is included in the required plugins.