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  4. Theme Shortcode
  5. Accordion


Accordion shortcode enables you to add accordion drop-downs to your posts or pages such as FAQ page.

To create accordion:

  • Click Edit Accordion button (pencil icon in blue toolbar) to set up the style of accordionaccordion01accordion02
  • Select an icon style to use
  • Check Allow Multiple Open Items box setting to allow opening several sections at the same time
  • Check Allow All Items To Be Closed box setting to allow closing all sections at the same time
  • Set the element tag for the title
  • Select tag element for the title
  • Check Custom Font Size box to adjust the title font
  • Input the number of active section
  • Set the color for active & inactive section, and the border
  • Save changes.


After creating the accordion, now you can set up the display for each section with its content.

To configure the display:

  • Click Edit Section button (pencil icon in orange toolbar) to set up the style of the sectionaccordion03
  • Enter the section title
  • Input a section ID
  • Select a color for title background
  • Check “Add icon” box to add icon next to the section title
  • Save changes


To set up the content of the section:

  1. Click icon “+” to input the content using available shortcodes into the sectionaccordion05
  2. Choose a shortcode to use to input the content and configure it according to the shortcode settingaccordion06
  3. Repeat the steps by clicking icon “+” first to add another sectionaccordion07
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